







  1. 熟悉R环境;
  2. 打开R云件环境;
  3. 在相应编程环境中修改和运行代码;
  4. 查看结果。




train <- read.csv("/data/tele_train_small.csv", header = T)
train_big <- read.csv("/data/tele_train_big.csv", header = T)
test <- read.csv("/data/tele_train_small.csv", header = T)


'data.frame':    1706496 obs. of  20 variables:
 $ state                        : Factor w/ 51 levels "AK","AL","AR",..: 17 36 32 36 37 2 20 25 19 50 ...
 $ account_length               : int  128 107 137 84 75 118 121 147 117 141 ...
 $ area_code                    : Factor w/ 3 levels "area_code_408",..: 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 ...
 $ international_plan           : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ...
 $ voice_mail_plan              : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...
 $ number_vmail_messages        : num  25 26 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 37 ...
 $ total_day_minutes            : num  265 162 243 299 167 ...
 $ total_day_calls              : int  110 123 114 71 113 98 88 79 97 84 ...
 $ total_day_charge             : num  45.1 27.5 41.4 50.9 28.3 ...
 $ total_eve_minutes            : num  197.4 195.5 121.2 61.9 148.3 ...
 $ total_eve_calls              : num  99 103 110 88 122 101 108 94 80 111 ...
 $ total_eve_charge             : num  16.78 16.62 10.3 5.26 12.61 ...
 $ total_night_minutes          : num  245 254 163 197 187 ...
 $ total_night_calls            : int  91 103 104 89 121 118 118 96 90 97 ...
 $ total_night_charge           : num  11.01 11.45 7.32 8.86 8.41 ...
 $ total_intl_minutes           : num  10 13.7 12.2 6.6 10.1 6.3 7.5 7.1 8.7 11.2 ...
 $ total_intl_calls             : num  5 3 5 7 3 6 7 6 4 5 ...
 $ total_intl_charge            : num  2.7 3.7 3.29 1.78 2.73 1.7 2.03 1.92 2.35 3.02 ...
 $ number_customer_service_calls: int  1 1 0 2 3 0 3 0 1 0 ...
 $ churn                        : Factor w/ 2 levels "yes","no": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...




train <- train[,-3]
train_big <- train_big[,-3]
test <- test[,-3]
train$churn <- factor(train$churn,levels = c('no','yes'), order = TRUE)
train_big$churn <- factor(train_big$churn,levels = c('no','yes'), order = TRUE)
test$churn <- factor(test$churn, ,levels = c('no','yes'), order = TRUE)



model <- glm(formula = churn ~ ., data = train_big, family = 'binomial')

glm(formula = churn ~ ., family = "binomial", data = train)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.9364  -0.4994  -0.3130  -0.1663   3.0951  

                                Estimate Std. Error  z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                   -9.752e+00  4.311e-02 -226.186  < 2e-16 ***
stateAL                        3.578e-01  3.370e-02   10.616  < 2e-16 ***
stateAR                        9.213e-01  3.324e-02   27.717  < 2e-16 ***
stateAZ                        1.097e-01  3.734e-02    2.938  0.00331 ** 
stateCA                        1.820e+00  3.460e-02   52.600  < 2e-16 ***
stateCO                        6.682e-01  3.369e-02   19.836  < 2e-16 ***
stateCT                        1.034e+00  3.206e-02   32.259  < 2e-16 ***
stateDC                        6.993e-01  3.573e-02   19.571  < 2e-16 ***
stateDE                        7.526e-01  3.313e-02   22.714  < 2e-16 ***
stateFL                        5.983e-01  3.365e-02   17.779  < 2e-16 ***
stateGA                        6.703e-01  3.441e-02   19.483  < 2e-16 ***
stateHI                       -2.158e-01  3.959e-02   -5.451 5.00e-08 ***
stateIA                        2.115e-01  3.988e-02    5.304 1.13e-07 ***
stateID                        8.743e-01  3.306e-02   26.448  < 2e-16 ***
stateIL                       -2.190e-01  3.684e-02   -5.944 2.78e-09 ***
stateIN                        4.549e-01  3.326e-02   13.677  < 2e-16 ***
stateKS                        1.069e+00  3.225e-02   33.153  < 2e-16 ***
stateKY                        8.000e-01  3.384e-02   23.640  < 2e-16 ***
stateLA                        5.638e-01  3.694e-02   15.261  < 2e-16 ***
stateMA                        1.179e+00  3.285e-02   35.896  < 2e-16 ***
stateMD                        1.157e+00  3.168e-02   36.505  < 2e-16 ***
stateME                        1.336e+00  3.220e-02   41.493  < 2e-16 ***
stateMI                        1.402e+00  3.153e-02   44.469  < 2e-16 ***
stateMN                        1.164e+00  3.163e-02   36.793  < 2e-16 ***
stateMO                        6.040e-01  3.422e-02   17.650  < 2e-16 ***
stateMS                        1.362e+00  3.219e-02   42.322  < 2e-16 ***
stateMT                        1.877e+00  3.168e-02   59.263  < 2e-16 ***
stateNC                        6.006e-01  3.334e-02   18.013  < 2e-16 ***
stateND                        1.485e-01  3.520e-02    4.219 2.45e-05 ***
stateNE                        3.055e-01  3.563e-02    8.574  < 2e-16 ***
stateNH                        1.186e+00  3.396e-02   34.907  < 2e-16 ***
stateNJ                        1.581e+00  3.138e-02   50.381  < 2e-16 ***
stateNM                        4.713e-01  3.478e-02   13.552  < 2e-16 ***
stateNV                        1.257e+00  3.205e-02   39.234  < 2e-16 ***
stateNY                        1.171e+00  3.180e-02   36.814  < 2e-16 ***
stateOH                        6.914e-01  3.298e-02   20.966  < 2e-16 ***
stateOK                        8.778e-01  3.343e-02   26.258  < 2e-16 ***
stateOR                        7.706e-01  3.253e-02   23.689  < 2e-16 ***
statePA                        1.156e+00  3.444e-02   33.565  < 2e-16 ***
stateRI                       -1.087e-01  3.626e-02   -2.998  0.00272 ** 
stateSC                        1.755e+00  3.259e-02   53.856  < 2e-16 ***
stateSD                        8.236e-01  3.367e-02   24.457  < 2e-16 ***
stateTN                        2.700e-01  3.627e-02    7.444 9.77e-14 ***
stateTX                        1.652e+00  3.129e-02   52.782  < 2e-16 ***
stateUT                        1.050e+00  3.289e-02   31.916  < 2e-16 ***
stateVA                       -4.317e-01  3.638e-02  -11.867  < 2e-16 ***
stateVT                        9.838e-02  3.444e-02    2.857  0.00428 ** 
stateWA                        1.422e+00  3.199e-02   44.462  < 2e-16 ***
stateWI                        2.955e-01  3.449e-02    8.569  < 2e-16 ***
stateWV                        5.767e-01  3.242e-02   17.789  < 2e-16 ***
stateWY                        2.944e-01  3.336e-02    8.826  < 2e-16 ***
account_length                 1.005e-03  6.334e-05   15.868  < 2e-16 ***
international_planyes          2.188e+00  6.762e-03  323.644  < 2e-16 ***
voice_mail_planyes            -2.130e+00  2.627e-02  -81.089  < 2e-16 ***
number_vmail_messages          3.823e-02  8.242e-04   46.384  < 2e-16 ***
total_day_minutes             -6.552e-02  5.946e-02   -1.102  0.27055    
total_day_calls                4.028e-03  1.265e-04   31.856  < 2e-16 ***
total_day_charge               4.625e-01  3.498e-01    1.322  0.18614    
total_eve_minutes              9.278e-01  7.503e-02   12.365  < 2e-16 ***
total_eve_calls                9.997e-04  1.277e-04    7.832 4.82e-15 ***
total_eve_charge              -1.082e+01  8.827e-01  -12.261  < 2e-16 ***
total_night_minutes           -2.416e-01  3.992e-02   -6.051 1.44e-09 ***
total_night_calls              1.270e-04  1.293e-04    0.982  0.32593    
total_night_charge             5.455e+00  8.871e-01    6.149 7.78e-10 ***
total_intl_minutes            -4.214e+00  2.427e-01  -17.363  < 2e-16 ***
total_intl_calls              -9.101e-02  1.137e-03  -80.016  < 2e-16 ***
total_intl_charge              1.592e+01  8.989e-01   17.707  < 2e-16 ***
number_customer_service_calls  5.358e-01  1.810e-03  296.056  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 1412246  on 1706495  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1060480  on 1706428  degrees of freedom
AIC: 1060616

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6



model <- glm(formula = churn ~ ., data = train, family = 'binomial')

glm(formula = churn ~ ., family = "binomial", data = train)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.9200  -0.4994  -0.3127  -0.1664   3.0363  

                                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                   -9.753e+00  9.756e-01  -9.996  < 2e-16 ***
stateAL                        3.593e-01  7.627e-01   0.471 0.637573    
stateAR                        9.224e-01  7.521e-01   1.226 0.220040    
stateAZ                        1.089e-01  8.450e-01   0.129 0.897463    
stateCA                        1.821e+00  7.830e-01   2.326 0.020024 *  
stateCO                        6.675e-01  7.622e-01   0.876 0.381144    
stateCT                        1.034e+00  7.255e-01   1.426 0.153931    
stateDC                        6.979e-01  8.086e-01   0.863 0.388065    
stateDE                        7.521e-01  7.497e-01   1.003 0.315755    
stateFL                        5.983e-01  7.615e-01   0.786 0.432018    
stateGA                        6.685e-01  7.788e-01   0.858 0.390694    
stateHI                       -2.133e-01  8.960e-01  -0.238 0.811874    
stateIA                        2.115e-01  9.022e-01   0.234 0.814665    
stateID                        8.738e-01  7.480e-01   1.168 0.242719    
stateIL                       -2.206e-01  8.339e-01  -0.265 0.791350    
stateIN                        4.539e-01  7.526e-01   0.603 0.546413    
stateKS                        1.069e+00  7.297e-01   1.465 0.142794    
stateKY                        8.005e-01  7.658e-01   1.045 0.295850    
stateLA                        5.629e-01  8.360e-01   0.673 0.500722    
stateMA                        1.179e+00  7.433e-01   1.586 0.112673    
stateMD                        1.156e+00  7.169e-01   1.613 0.106744    
stateME                        1.335e+00  7.287e-01   1.832 0.066916 .  
stateMI                        1.403e+00  7.135e-01   1.966 0.049329 *  
stateMN                        1.163e+00  7.157e-01   1.625 0.104083    
stateMO                        6.023e-01  7.745e-01   0.778 0.436784    
stateMS                        1.362e+00  7.283e-01   1.871 0.061408 .  
stateMT                        1.878e+00  7.167e-01   2.620 0.008804 ** 
stateNC                        5.993e-01  7.546e-01   0.794 0.427099    
stateND                        1.479e-01  7.966e-01   0.186 0.852729    
stateNE                        3.057e-01  8.061e-01   0.379 0.704570    
stateNH                        1.186e+00  7.684e-01   1.543 0.122805    
stateNJ                        1.581e+00  7.100e-01   2.227 0.025959 *  
stateNM                        4.711e-01  7.870e-01   0.599 0.549388    
stateNV                        1.257e+00  7.252e-01   1.733 0.083099 .  
stateNY                        1.170e+00  7.195e-01   1.626 0.103851    
stateOH                        6.909e-01  7.462e-01   0.926 0.354524    
stateOK                        8.780e-01  7.564e-01   1.161 0.245733    
stateOR                        7.696e-01  7.361e-01   1.045 0.295799    
statePA                        1.156e+00  7.793e-01   1.484 0.137936    
stateRI                       -1.080e-01  8.203e-01  -0.132 0.895256    
stateSC                        1.754e+00  7.376e-01   2.379 0.017379 *  
stateSD                        8.233e-01  7.620e-01   1.080 0.279941    
stateTN                        2.687e-01  8.209e-01   0.327 0.743377    
stateTX                        1.651e+00  7.080e-01   2.332 0.019675 *  
stateUT                        1.050e+00  7.442e-01   1.411 0.158358    
stateVA                       -4.304e-01  8.231e-01  -0.523 0.601058    
stateVT                        9.606e-02  7.797e-01   0.123 0.901945    
stateWA                        1.422e+00  7.239e-01   1.965 0.049461 *  
stateWI                        2.965e-01  7.804e-01   0.380 0.703980    
stateWV                        5.759e-01  7.337e-01   0.785 0.432454    
stateWY                        2.953e-01  7.548e-01   0.391 0.695612    
account_length                 1.005e-03  1.433e-03   0.701 0.483141    
international_planyes          2.188e+00  1.530e-01  14.302  < 2e-16 ***
voice_mail_planyes            -2.131e+00  5.945e-01  -3.584 0.000339 ***
number_vmail_messages          3.824e-02  1.865e-02   2.050 0.040368 *  
total_day_minutes             -3.854e-01  3.379e+00  -0.114 0.909187    
total_day_calls                4.028e-03  2.861e-03   1.408 0.159188    
total_day_charge               2.344e+00  1.988e+01   0.118 0.906114    
total_eve_minutes              9.299e-01  1.698e+00   0.548 0.583939    
total_eve_calls                1.001e-03  2.889e-03   0.347 0.728889    
total_eve_charge              -1.085e+01  1.998e+01  -0.543 0.587089    
total_night_minutes           -2.431e-01  9.035e-01  -0.269 0.787842    
total_night_calls              1.233e-04  2.926e-03   0.042 0.966392    
total_night_charge             5.490e+00  2.008e+01   0.273 0.784494    
total_intl_minutes            -4.210e+00  5.492e+00  -0.767 0.443347    
total_intl_calls              -9.109e-02  2.575e-02  -3.537 0.000404 ***
total_intl_charge              1.590e+01  2.034e+01   0.782 0.434347    
number_customer_service_calls  5.359e-01  4.095e-02  13.084  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2758.3  on 3332  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2071.2  on 3265  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2207.2

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6


model2 <- step(object = model, trace = 0)

glm(formula = churn ~ international_plan + voice_mail_plan + 
    number_vmail_messages + total_day_charge + total_eve_minutes + 
    total_night_charge + total_intl_calls + total_intl_charge + 
    number_customer_service_calls, family = "binomial", data = train)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-2.1204  -0.5133  -0.3375  -0.1969   3.2421  

                               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                   -8.067161   0.515870 -15.638  < 2e-16 ***
international_planyes          2.040338   0.145243  14.048  < 2e-16 ***
voice_mail_planyes            -2.003234   0.572352  -3.500 0.000465 ***
number_vmail_messages          0.035262   0.017964   1.963 0.049654 *  
total_day_charge               0.076589   0.006371  12.022  < 2e-16 ***
total_eve_minutes              0.007182   0.001142   6.290 3.17e-10 ***
total_night_charge             0.082547   0.024653   3.348 0.000813 ***
total_intl_calls              -0.092176   0.024988  -3.689 0.000225 ***
total_intl_charge              0.326138   0.075453   4.322 1.54e-05 ***
number_customer_service_calls  0.512256   0.039141  13.087  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2758.3  on 3332  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2161.6  on 3323  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2181.6

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6


anova(object = model2, test = 'Chisq')

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model: binomial, link: logit

Response: churn

Terms added sequentially (first to last)

                              Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
NULL                                           3332     2758.3              
international_plan             1  170.400      3331     2587.9 < 2.2e-16 ***
voice_mail_plan                1   41.868      3330     2546.0 9.765e-11 ***
number_vmail_messages          1    3.638      3329     2542.4 0.0564756 .  
total_day_charge               1  135.452      3328     2406.9 < 2.2e-16 ***
total_eve_minutes              1   30.874      3327     2376.1 2.753e-08 ***
total_night_charge             1    8.500      3326     2367.6 0.0035509 ** 
total_intl_calls               1   12.887      3325     2354.7 0.0003309 ***
total_intl_charge              1   16.210      3324     2338.5 5.668e-05 ***
number_customer_service_calls  1  176.839      3323     2161.6 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1




HL_test <- hoslem_gof(x = model)

[1] 13.81744

[1] 8

[1] 0.08664957

[1] "hoslem_test" "list"



prob <- predict(object = model2, newdata= test, type = 'response')
pred <- ifelse(prob >= 0.5, 'yes','no')
pred <- factor(pred, levels =c('no','yes'), order = TRUE)
f <- table(test$churn, pred)

        no  yes
  no  1408   35
  yes  182   42







roc_curve <- roc(test$churn,prob)
x <- 1-roc_curve$specificities
y <- roc_curve$sensitivities
p <- ggplot(data = NULL, mapping = aes(x= x, y = y))
p + geom_line(colour = 'red') +geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) + annotate('text', x = 0.4, y = 0.5, label =paste('AUC=',round(roc_curve$auc,2))) + labs(x = '1-specificities',y = 'sensitivities', title = 'ROC Curve')


results matching ""

    No results matching ""